Meet Wendy Harawa

Meet Wendy Harawa potential lady who is capable of doing any genre
At first Lets take her back when She used to do some secullar music with different artists the likes of Lulu and Lucius Banda
At some Point She look like She was dating with Lulu because of How They were interacting in some of the videos they did together
Wendy Harawa as a secullar artist She has participated in many big shows across the nation as She was working with Lucius Banda
After a some years Wendy recieved a calling to serve the lord though Gospel music
She has recieved tremendous support in the Gospel world
She Won the gospel awards of southern Africa and She was working with Major 1 Records on her recordings
As a country and in music world Wendy Harawa is going to be remembered as one of the courageous women who took risk of switching from secullar to gospel but still being peoples favorite as She She has maintained her relevancy
How Did you know Wendy Harawa?
As a secullar artist or a gospel artist?
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