Some Facts About Skip Jack

SKIP JACK Haward Kalanje AKA Skip Jack is another fast-rising star from Lilongwe. This young Hip-hop star is full of energy and flow when riding the beat. His energy and enthusiasm is something that most rappers lack in the country. Skip Jack born in a family of six is the only child in her family pursuing such a difficult talent.Difficult talent? Yes, if it was simple everyone would be doing it. It took courage and determination for Skip Jack to start and continue rap. Many countless rappers have dropped and quit the booth. Rap is no candy.Skip jack who is at Catholic University studying Community development claims that his music is for the people and his goal is to create a fanbase that will be inspired and motivated. He says when his time comes he will be known in Malawi and beyond the seas. He says his name (Skip Jack) was given to him by his friends by how good he was rapping. He says he followed Nick Minaj and how he Raps and locally Gwamba and Hyphen tops his favorites.Recently, Skip Jack has dropped a new track titled “Ndikapita” in which he has featured Capital gal. This track goes to all those guys who don’t give time to their ladies excusing themselves that they are hustling. In here Skip Jack acts as a guy who is trying to explain to the lady why he is busy and Capital Gal emphasises that she will be missed when she finally leaves.. Skip Jack is a talent that needs support as he himself says he is lacking management support. A lot of good artists have been lost due to lack of support and proper guidance. Skip Jack is that artist with a promising future and one of the few who can make a fortune out of music. What if we can remove envy and support home talent? “if only I can have a proper management, I think my talent can reach places I only dream of. A lot of young people like me fail to make it in music because we don’t have promoters for our music. I pray that someone will manage my talent and guide me.” He says.

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